Your Complete Guide to Launching an Authentic, Soul-Aligned Brand & Business



This visionary course is meticulously designed to guide conscious entrepreneurs in finding their unique brand identity, and communicating it effectively. It aids in establishing a strong brand foundation, crystal clear vision, and offers guidance in creating authentic products and services that resonate with your audience. What's included:

  • Tools & templates to create foundational alignment, brand identity and website, and the perfect product & service offering

  • A comprehensive internal audit to ensure a strong and meaningful foundation

  • Detailed steps and resources to create a unique and compelling brand identity & messaging that encompasses your offers

  • Guides and templates to clarify and develop authentic products and services that genuinely excite your audience

  • Opportunity to join a unique community of like-minded conscious entrepreneurs to gain more insight with Monique's Office Hours, gain accountability partners, and more! 
  • Access to book private 1:1 coaching & consulting sessions with Monique
Join The Waitlist!

Welcome my fellow conscious entrepreneur! I'm so glad you're here and can't wait for you to Brand Your Vision. Let's get started...


I'm Monique Evans, and I'm thrilled to have you join me on this transformative journey of unleashing the power of branding. I created this course because I understand the obstacles that can get in the way of building a remarkable brand. Whether it's the overwhelm of not knowing where to start, the fear of standing out in a crowded market, or the lack of resources to make your vision a reality, I've been there. But guess what? We're going to overcome all those barriers together.

In this course, I'll provide you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to break through those challenges and create a brand that not only aligns with your authentic self but also makes you launch-ready. Get ready to conquer your doubts, step into the spotlight, and turn your vision into a brand that leaves a lasting impact. Let's embark on this incredible journey of transformation together.

"Within 4 weeks after completing the Accelerator, I tripled my sales #'s and feel so much more freedom & joy; a new feeling I've not had as a business owner in as long as I can remember. I have that excitement again of the limitless possibilities that my business can offer me and it was there the whole time. I am telling anyone that wants to live a full life of real lasting abundance to try this out. It has truly changed my life.”

- Elliot H.

Immerse yourself in the Branding Your Vision Course to unlock your inner mindful entrepreneur. What you'll gain from completing the course:

Self-Discovery  +

A Clear Vision

Unleash your true potential, mindful entrepreneur! Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and gain crystal-clear clarity on your unique vision. 

Service & Product Development

Create offerings that make hearts skip a beat, love! Gain invaluable insights into crafting authentic products and services that deeply resonate with your target audience. Get ready to create magic that leaves them begging for more.

Unique Brand Identity

Rise above the noise, friends! Cultivate a brand identity that authentically represents the essence of who you are. Let's create a distinct brand identity with a custom signature font logo and a drool-worthy brand identity board setting you apart from others.

Business Templates & Tools

You will have all the checklists, templates, and tools needed to build your business from the ground up, all aligned with your highest vision. You'll also have the Self Coaching Guide & Workbook to support your journey while you make sh*t happen.

Press & Investor Preparedness

Time to impress those investors, crew! Get investor-ready with tools like the Media Kit & Investor Deck. You'll be able to create a polished and professional presentation that'll touch their heart and inspire them to invest in your undeniable brilliance.

Expert Consultation

You deserve the VIP treatment, my friend! Join others during my Office Hours and get your questions answered or book a private consulting session (extra fee) and get personalized support and guidance tailored just for you.

The Branding Your Vision course will also offer you:


Increased Confidence

You will have the Self Coaching Guide & Workbook to support your personal entrepreneurial journey while you make sh*t happen. You will walk away from this course with more self-empowerment and confidence than when you started! 

Flexibility & Convenience

This journey is all about you! Take the online course at your own pace, whenever and wherever your heart desires. I've made it oh-so-convenient and flexible, so you can make magic happen on your terms.

Intuitive Readiness

Throughout the course, you'll have the opportunity to tune into your inner wisdom helping you to trust your instincts when it comes to business (& life) decisions.

"Monique's program has been a tremendous life changer to the growth of my business. I required so much help with getting clarity about what my business could offer my tribe. This brought ease and comfort around the direction and growth of my business. I've created more flow, confidence, and sacred space for my business to attract my tribe. Without her support and guidance, I feel like I would still be hustling and lost vs. feeling in control and confident with what I have to offer the world."

- Jennifer E.


Welcome to the "Branding Your Vision" course, a transformative journey that empowers you, the visionary entrepreneur, to craft and manifest the business of your dreams through a series of empowering modules. Let's explore what's in the Branding Your Vision Course:


Empowering Your Entrepreneurial Journey

At the heart of this guide is the recognition that external achievements do not solely measure true success, but also by your internal state of being. That's why The Conscious Entrepreneurs Self Coaching + Healing Workbook focuses on self-healing and personal transformation, allowing you to align your mind, body, and spirit with your entrepreneurial endeavors and will bring ease and flow to your course & business journey.



Igniting Success Through a Transformative Self-Assessment

In this transformative module, we dive deep into the crucial task of self-assessment, allowing you to gain profound insights into your personal strengths, passions, and values. By understanding yourself better, you will be equipped to create a business model that aligns perfectly with your unique identity and goals.

Through a series of carefully crafted exercises & thought-provoking reflections, this module facilitates a holistic exploration of your entrepreneurial journey. You will embark on an introspective adventure, exploring your motivations, clarifying your vision, and identifying the core values that will guide your business development & decisions.



Getting Clear on the Who, What, Where, When, How & Why

Embark on a sacred journey of self-discovery, illuminating their Vision, Mission, Core Values, Target Market, and Manifesto, and conduct a deep dive into your Product/Service opportunity. 

Within the Foundation Module, our clients embark on a sacred journey of self-discovery, illuminating their Vision, Mission, Core Values, Target Market, and Product/Service offering. This transformative experience enables you to align your brand with your divine blueprint.




Craft the Perfect Brand Identity that Aligns w/Your Business Blueprint

A strong brand foundation is the cornerstone of a successful business, and that's why I've dedicated an entire module to helping you master this essential aspect. In this module, you'll create a strong brand identity, and gain the necessary skills and strategies to position your brand for success. You'll create a compelling and authentic brand identity that resonates with your target audience with built-in trust and loyalty.


> TEMPLATES INCLUDED: Mood Board, Brand Identity Board, Brand Guidelines

> BONUS TEMPLATES INCLUDED: Investor Deck, Media Kit

Join The Waitlist!

"Monique’s program was nothing short of a magical experience for me. I was floundering and confused about how to make my dream a reality. The program was everything I didn’t realize I needed. Working with Monique helped transform my divinely inspired vision into a REAL & TANGIBLE business.”

- Amber J.

Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Individuals who are looking to start their own business with a purpose-driven approach.

Small Business Owners: Those who already own a small business and want to realign it with their values and vision.

Freelancers & Creatives: Freelancers such as writers, designers, photographers, etc., who want to build a personal brand that reflects their values and passions.

Coaches and Consultants: Life coaches, business consultants, and other professional advisors seeking to develop a brand that resonates with their philosophies.

Wellness Practitioners: Such as yoga instructors, therapists, nutritionists, or others in the wellness industry wanting to create a meaningful brand.

Green Businesses: Entrepreneurs focusing on sustainability, eco-friendly products, or services and looking to establish a brand that mirrors their environmental values.

Personal Brands: Individuals aiming to create a brand around their own name, such as authors, speakers, or influencers.

Get clarity and hone in on your vision, craft a solid brand identity, and develop impactful services/products that inspire your audience while aligning with your legacy. You'll walk away with all of this with this course!

Join The Waitlist

Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Individuals who are looking to start their own business with a purpose-driven approach.

Small Business Owners: Those who already own a small business and want to realign it with their values and vision.

Freelancers & Creatives: Freelancers such as writers, designers, photographers, etc., who want to build a personal brand that reflects their values and passions.

Coaches and Consultants: Life coaches, business consultants, and other professional advisors seeking to develop a brand that resonates with their philosophies.

Wellness Practitioners: Such as yoga instructors, therapists, nutritionists, or others in the wellness industry wanting to create a meaningful brand.

Green Businesses: Entrepreneurs focusing on sustainability, eco-friendly products, or services and looking to establish a brand that mirrors their environmental values.

Personal Brands: Individuals aiming to create a brand around their own name, such as authors, speakers, or influencers.

Get clarity and hone in on your vision, craft a solid brand identity, and develop impactful services/products that inspire your audience while aligning with your legacy. You'll walk away with all of this with this course!

Sign Up For Waitlist + Introductory Offer!

 "My experience working with Monique has been nothing short of incredible, enlightening, and empowering. To have her as a thought partner and intuitive guide has allowed me to create from a place of true authenticity, purpose, and joy - certainly one of the most transformative experiences of my life. I've referred several colleagues to her and each one has been blown away by her abilities. If you want to build a business that reflects the best most aligned version of what you have to offer the world, working with Monique is honestly a no-brainer.”

- Tadia J.

Working with Monique has been such a blessing for my business and over the course of three months, I went from having a subtle idea of how I could work with people to being completely booked out with private mentorship clients and experiencing one of my highest income months of almost breaking 5 figures. I am so grateful to have had these three months and would highly recommend Monique if you are starting your business and looking for insight on how to find alignment in your services, your brand, and your message to the world. 

- Ana H.

  • Module One: Self-Coaching Guide - The Conscious Entrepreneurs Self Healing + Coaching Workbook focuses on self-healing and personal transformation, allowing you to align your mind, body, and spirit with your entrepreneurial endeavors and will bring ease and flow to your course & business journey.
  • Module Two: Know Thyself - In this transformative module, we dive deep into the crucial task of self-assessment, allowing you to gain profound insights into your personal strengths, passions, and values. By understanding yourself better, you will be equipped to create a business model that aligns perfectly with your unique identity and goals.
  • Module Three: The Foundation - Within the Foundation Module, our clients embark on a sacred journey of self-discovery, illuminating their Vision, Mission, Core Values, Target Market, and Product/Service offering. This transformative experience enables you to align your brand with your divine blueprint.
  • Module Four: The Build Out - You'll get the tools and secrets to creating a cohesive brand identity that speaks to your authenticity.
  • Module Training Workbooks & Templates: Each module has an interactive workbook and templates that we will use throughout our time together. And you can use it to develop future businesses and update your offerings. Templates include: Business Start Up Check List, Product/Service Offering, Mood Board, Brand Identity, Brand Guidelines, Press Kit, Investor Deck
  • Weekly Office Hours: During Office Hours you'll have the opportunity to get your questions answered w/Monique. All sessions are recorded and shared for replay at your convenience.
Join The Waitlist!

Working with Monique has been such a blessing for my business and over the course of three months, I went from having a subtle idea of how I could work with people to being completely booked out with private mentorship clients and experiencing one of my highest income months of almost breaking 5 figures. I am so grateful to have had these three months and would highly recommend Monique if you are starting your business and looking for insight on how to find alignment in your services, your brand, and your message to the world. 

- Ana H.


Branding Your Vision Course Waitlist

Get clarity and hone in on your vision, craft a solid brand identity, and develop impactful services & products that inspire your audience while aligning with your legacy!

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Your level of success in attaining the results from using our products, services, and information depends on, but is not limited to, the time you devote to the program(s) and courses, ideas and techniques used, your preexisting knowledge, paid advertisements and their budget, your team of support or employees, various skills, business savvy, network, and financial situation. While we make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent all the products and services reviewed on this website and their potential for income, earnings and income statements made by Intuitive Freedom, Monique Evans and its advertisers/sponsors are estimates only of what we think you can possibly earn.