Quantum Integration™ is a fast-acting, personally transformative method that works like magic to dissolve blocks, patterns, and obstacles. In just moments, you’ll feel a shift that keeps you effortlessly aligned and in flow with your aligned goals. 

Quantum Integrationis a powerful modality designed to quickly transmute physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks so you can stay in flow with your personal & professional goals. 

"Instantly, during my first session, something AMAZING happened to my soul. 

It felt like the pounds of negativity, sadness, angry, confusion, frustration, blame, etc. had lifted out of my body and I am now able to enjoy my life without the thoughts and feelings of pain."

Bianca A.

"Wow, what a game changer!

I had no idea what Quantum Integration was before our session but I was totally blown away by the specificity and accuracy of what Monique shared. She was able to tune in to The Field and garner very specific information to remove blockages and clear the path for a completely aligned business. I felt the shift immediately and so did my business. The results have been amazing! As an Entrepreneur, I will definitely be including Quantum Integration as part of my general business (and LIFE lol) management. I feel really fortunate to have this as a resource in my toolkit.

Sage J.

"The results I've seen in my life, almost immediately, have been truly remarkable.

My first Quantum Integration session with Monique was invaluable. I was seeking clarity on issues that had been holding me back for years. We found big subconscious blocks that I didn't even know were there!  I feel empowered in a way that I could only understand intellectually before. You must experience it to know the depth of this work's effects!

AdaPia D.

Experience Immediate Freedom with Quantum Integration

Quantum Integration™ is a transformative personal growth modality, where the wisdom of theoretical physics bridges the proprietary Quantum Integration™ framework & intuition to empower you to live the life you want to live.  We embrace the beautiful concept that we are already whole & complete; we simply need to integrate our fragmented energy fields to bring ourselves back into homeostasis.; a place of peace.

Through Quantum Integration™, you will experience powerful, multidimensional transformation without needing to do anything yourself. Allow us to activate your innate peaceful and aligned state and guide you to a place of balance and harmony.

This transformative experience doesn’t just address your immediate issues—it provides lasting change, enhancing your overall well-being and allowing you to live the life you dream of. By engaging in Quantum Integration™, you open the door to a higher level of health and vitality, becoming a beacon of light and inspiration for your community, clients, and your loved ones. ✨

What Could Happen if You Integrated Your Challenges, Blocks & Issues?

Personal Empowerment

You'll feel empowered to take charge of your own life and overcome obstacles with confidence.

Emotional Liberation

Integrating issues and challenges can lead to emotional freedom, allowing you to experience greater joy and peace.

Improved Relationships

Resolving internal blocks can positively impact your relationships, leading to deeper connections and understanding.

Enhanced Well-being

Addressing challenges at a deeper level can contribute to improved mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Increased Resilience

Learning to integrate challenges  upsets cultivates resilience, enabling you to bounce back stronger from perceived setbacks as there is an inner Remembrance to these concepts and you have the tools to alter the situation,

Manifestation Abilities

As you clear blocks, you may find it easier to manifest your desires and goals as you are instantly transported to the dimensions where they are attainable.

Spiritual Growth

The Quantum Integration™ process can facilitate spiritual growth and connection, leading to a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Contribution to Others

By mastering this method, you can also help others clear their own blocks and challenges, leading to the collective transformation.

 "Quantum Integration is a way out [of the matrix]. We are already whole & complete. We simply 'forgot' as we entered this 'time' construct."

Monique Evans

"You cannot solve your problems from the same consciousness that created the problem." 

Albert Einstein

 "Quantum Integration is a way out [of the matrix] by truly experiencing yourself as a multidimensional & healed being."

Monique Evans

What is the Quantum Integrationprocess?

Imagine yourself as part of a unified field of energy, where everything is interconnected. This transformative approach recognizes that our levels of well-being are all influenced by the vibrational frequencies within our field, the field around us, and the unseen fields. By re-aligning these frequencies, we restore harmony and balance, leading to deep transformation.

Founded in 2017 by Monique Evans, Quantum Integration™ harnesses the groundbreaking principles of theoretical physics, bridging profound insights to help you realize that your existence spans multiple dimensions. This powerful approach allows you to unravel the deep connections between your experiences and the universe, leading to transformative outcomes.

A unique aspect of Quantum Integration™ is the proprietary framework and the practitioner’s intuitive ability to navigate and harmonize fragmented patterns. This intuitive guidance allows for a personalized and deeply resonant experience, as the practitioner attunes to the specific dimensions of each individual while anchoring the Quantum Integration™ blueprint.

One of the core pillars of Quantum Integration™ is that We Are Not Here To Learn Lessons but to Remember Who We Really Are. This journey is about reconnecting with your true essence and recognizing your inherent wholeness and perfection.

"I was blown away by Quantum Integration!

I feel more full of light, grounded, and more empowered than ever before since working with Monique. I felt full of light and totally transformed after."

Erin P.

"Her gentle nurturing assertiveness leaves no stone unturned as she patiently guides you on a journey towards your freedom. 

Monique is truly unique, one of a kind. I am beyond Grateful to have connected to the work she offers. I was drawn to her because I had been dealing with some serious health issues that had been affecting me, not only on a physical level but mentally, emotionally, spiritually as well. After each session with her, I felt an incredible lightness to my being, it was as if weights of old pain from life-times were lifted off me. Thank you for your gift to the world Monique.

Kristy D.

"I’ve had several sessions that each have honestly changed my life and my perspective of my life.

I was never a firm believer in this kind work until I was fortunate enough to experience the Quantum Integrarion™ method with Monique. I decided to at least try it out once. I cannot express how grateful I am to have experienced what I think is the most powerful thing anyone could do for any kind of emotional or other pain in their life."

Brooke P.

Who Can Benefit from Quantum Integration?

Quantum Integration is designed to support a wide range of individuals seeking profound personal and professional transformation. Here’s a sampling of who can benefit:

  • Those Seeking Peace & Mental Clarity: For individuals overwhelmed by stress, confusion, or mental fatigue, this modality offers a path to mental clarity and focus.

  • Conscious Entrepreneurs and Mindful Professionals: Business owners, entrepreneurs, and mindful professionals can use Quantum Integration to manage stress, enhance productivity, and maintain overall well-being, leading to greater success and fulfillment in their careers.

  • Professionals in High-Stress Environments: Executives, corporate professionals, and those in demanding jobs can benefit from the stress management and enhanced clarity provided by Quantum Integration.

  • Leaders Seeking Mindset Shifts: Leaders who want to make significant shifts in their mindset and approach to leadership will find Quantum Integration™ a valuable tool for transformation and growth.

  • Persons Seeking Personal Growth: Individuals committed to personal development and self-improvement will find that Quantum Integration™ fosters profound shifts in consciousness and self-awareness.

  • People with Energetic Sensitivities: Those who are highly sensitive to energy or who have psychic abilities can benefit from the balance and harmony that Quantum Integration brings to their energetic fields. 

"My work with Monique has been a catalyst in transforming some major patterns in my life around relationships and has helped clear the way for my expansion and growth.

I've done a few sessions with Monique both in person and over Skype and I'm always impressed with her precision, accuracy and professionalism. She carries an integrated mix of both practicality and mysticism that creates a dynamic approach to any situation. She has the capacity to go as deep as you are ready and holds a safe container to explore any level of healing. I would highly recommend her sessions to anyone ready for radical shifts in their lives!

Devon M.

"I have been profoundly fortunate to have personally experienced Monique's work with Quantum Integration.

Having struggled with the physical and emotional effects of a brain injury for many years, I'm amazed at the power this technique offers and how very quickly it was able to resolve powerful and longstanding issues that have been a painful source of disability. While at first I was somewhat skeptical I remained open-minded and hopeful that this technique would offer me relief; the remarkable results of my first session washed away any doubts I had. In addition, Monique is completely non-judgmental, extremely insightful, supportive, and very easy to talk to. I strongly encourage anyone who is suffering from emotional or physical trauma of any kind to give her gift an honest try. If your experience is anywhere close to mine you will be very grateful that you did."

Sam P.

"Monique is really a good practitioner!"

Being a therapist myself, I've never worked with somebody with this level of intuition, energy, good vibes, and also technique as a therapist. I was most amazed with every session we did and I'm grateful for the results of this treatment with her. Thank you very much, Monique!

- Jean Oliveira

Quantum Integration™ Bookings










I'm Interested in the Quantum Integration™ Training!

"Quantum Integration is the fastest healing I've ever experienced.

Within the past week, I had a private Quantum Integration session. I started with lower back pain rated at 7/10 level of intensity and within 20 minutes the tension melted away to zero and it's still gone! Quantum Integration™ is the fastest integration I've ever experienced and all I had to do was be present and allow for the transformation to happen. Highly recommend!

Petra H.

"Whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional she’s been able to help me on so many levels.

Each Quantum Integration session I’ve had with Monique has been a completely unique experience. She's been able to tap into beliefs and feelings that I never even realized were holding me back in my life. Whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional she’s been able to help me on so many levels.

Andrea P.

"I have felt a million times better and more free in my life.

I’ve felt stuck and blocked in my business and life. Ever since my Quantum Integration session, I have felt a million times better and more free in my life."

Michael F.

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"You cannot solve your problems from the same consciousness that created the problem." 

Albert Einstein