Harnessing Intuition & Integration for Aligned Business Growth


Discover How

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein


I'm Monique Evans, here to guide conscious entrepreneurs like you toward scalable success and lasting impact.


Let's embark on this transformative journey together—harnessing divine intelligence to craft your brand and launch your aligned, profitable business with clarity, confidence, and purpose. With expert business insights, brand activation strategies, and personal integration, we’ll unlock your true potential and create a lasting legacy.


Ready to transform your vision into reality? Let’s get started!

Book Your Free Discovery Session


What Clients Are Saying

Business Insight Client

Warren Roberts
Founder / Living Legacy Forests

​When I met Monique I wasn’t sure how to take the next step in my business. Her insight, cognizance, and comprehension helped me to choose the right path when I was at a crossroads and it most certainly has paid off. Her accurate and deep understanding aided me with the tools and awareness I needed in order to take the right step into a brave new world and business enterprise. Her intuition combined with her marketing and business acumen was a welcomed gift.

Business Insight Client

Jacquie Jordan
CEO, TVGuestpert

Monique holds your greatest potential and reflects back to you the highest timeline of your professional and life purpose with clarity, directness, and actionable steps that will transcend any blocks and resistance holding you back from actualizing your fullest potential.



The Intuitive Freedom Difference

As a former executive at several Fortune 500 companies and an inherent intuitive, I provide a coaching and consulting style that places a strong emphasis on business insights, brand activation, personal integration, intuitive insights, implementation, accountability, and the integration of challenges and blocks, all seamlessly intertwined with my deep business knowledge. Embarking on this transformative journey with me is a unique experience for conscious entrepreneurs. Here are the key pillars that guide my work:



We'll explore the Quantum Field for business insights, providing a behind-the-scenes upper hand that creates alignment and success.

By tuning in to download the data, you’ll uncover unseen and important insights that will guide you in your next steps as a founder. Whether you call it Universal Intelligence, Pure Potentiality, Source, God, or the Quantum Field, all solutions reside within what I call The Field. Because all things are happening simultaneously, we specifically tune into the answers to your challenges and how to activate the dimension of your goals, revealing the path to manifest your desired outcomes.



Quantum Integration™ is an exceptional process for conscious entrepreneurs where we address both minor and significant obstacles hindering your path to achieving clarity, confidence, and alignment with success.

We will integrate the issue for you, providing immediate relief and the ability to move forward. The transformation you experience will be evident not just in your business but also in your personal life, allowing you to see and feel the positive changes.

By focusing on personal integration and business insights, this process enhances your overall alignment and growth.



This is where we bring your business to life through brand activation, business insights, marketing, sales, media, investor decks—whatever you need and whatever it takes!

We leverage insights from the Quantum Field and my business expertise gained from working in Fortune 500 companies to guide you strategically. Accountability is crucial; it’s the compass that keeps you on course toward your goals. It's the commitment to take ownership of your actions, ensuring you stay aligned with your aspirations.

Combining conscious entrepreneurship, brand activation, and personal integration ensures comprehensive growth and success.


It's Time to Align and Scale You & Your Business

Hey there, visionary entrepreneur! Are you ready to take both yourself and your business to amazing new heights? I'm here to guide & support you on a transformative journey of alignment and expansion.

My mission is simple: to empower conscious entrepreneurs like you to launch or realign your brands and businesses. With a magical mix of grounded intuitive insights, brand activation strategies, personal integration, and hands-on business implementation, I offer services designed just for you.

We'll dive deep into your entrepreneurial purpose, business foundation & blueprint, branding, sales & marketing, financial planning, and more! The outcome? A business that’s fully aligned, impactful, and a true reflection of your highest self and deepest aspirations.

Here's how we can create magic together:

Monique's computer open to conduct businesssession

Free Resources 

Supercharge your intuition & business with these helpful guides, planners, resource lists, templates, and more! The current library includes:

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Beach with people and horizon

The Conscious Entrepreneur Membership

The Conscious Entrepreneur Community was created as an intentional entrepreneurial space to help clients and like-minded beings come together in a place where we offer business insight, clear blocks via integration, and help guide through the development & maintenance of an aligned brand.

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Beach with rocks

Business Insight Session

A profoundly unique experience exploring the depths of your business's energetic frequency, uncovering hidden data, and aligning your efforts for maximum success, all while gaining clarity, confidence, and inspiration. You bring your challenges and we will resolve them while downloading the steps to your personalized success.

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Crystals with Buddha statue

Quantum Integration™ Session

This transformative process is like a fast pass to clearing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks so you can stay in sync with your personal and professional goals. Expect instant mindset shifts and a whole new level of freedom!

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Cafe office table and chair

Business Accelerator Program

Work directly with Monique & turn your business aspirations into a reality with this 12-week program.  Features creative brand development, strategic business, sales + marketing planning, intuitive insights, quantum healing, and more!

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Intuitive Freedom brand mood board

Intuitive Branding & Websites

Elevate your brand frequency and revenue through Monique's custom, intuitive, and all-inclusive brand and web development services, authentically designed to inspire your users while increasing your bottom line. Be sure to check out our amazing portfolio of brands!

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Palm trees in the sky

Labs & Courses

Experience immersive live & online courses designed to grow and solidify your business foundation, amp up your intuition, unleash your creative branding potential,  bring clarity to your profitable product and service offerings, and have access & capabilities to tools that instantly help you transform the personal & professional challenges that may arise. Complete with office hours with Monique, you will experience pure expansion  & empowerment with these labs & courses.

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Beach shore with teal ocean

Business Intensives & Retreats

Are you ready to take your business to new heights? Join Monique for an exclusive 3-day getaway where you'll have the opportunity to work one-on-one. This intensive retreat combines the power of aligning your vision, creating a solid foundation, and activating your business for rapid growth.

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Not Sure What You Need or Where to Start? Take the Freedom Quiz Here!
or Book Your Free Discovery Session


What More Clients Are Saying


The business accelerator program was the best thing I ever did for my business and myself. Within the first session, I could see clearly where my own efforts and perspectives were actually blocking my business growth and holding me back.

Christy Nichols
Founder, Venture Within Leadership

Going into this program I felt lost, uninspired, and very disconnected from my brand. Monique was able to tune into my field, reground my vision with my brand, and do so in a way that's very meaningful and fulfilling. She also remarkably unblocked my energy in a healing session, allowing me to be able to write again, be creative again and connect with myself again. It felt so good to be passionate again. Since I was launching three new services with the refresh of my company, the product build-outs were extremely beneficial, giving me clarity, confidence, and hope. Monique knows what she's doing. And for an all-over-the-place creative like me, learning how to establish these processes is 100% invaluable. I feel more embodied, more confident, and ready to change the world.

Melissa Souel
Founder, EcoSoul


Working with Monique has been such a blessing for my business and over the course of three months I went from having a subtle idea of how I could work with people to being completely booked out with clients and experiencing one of my highest income months of almost breaking 5 figures.

 Ana Frank
Founder, Yoga Still + Life Coaching

Monique's Business Accelerator Program has been a tremendous life changer to the growth of my business. I required so much help with getting clarity about what my business could offer my tribe. Monique was able to tap into that space of confusion and guide me to clarity and alignment. This brought ease and comfort around the direction and growth of my business. I've created more flow, confidence, and sacred space for my business to attract my tribe. Without her support and guidance, I feel like I would still be hustling and lost vs. feeling in control and confident with what I have to offer the world.

Jennifer Escalara
Founder, Mystic Living Healing

Your program helped me immensely! Through our work, I was able to clearly articulate the vision of The Living Spree Life and how I can be of service to women. The process challenged me on every level and helped me grow. Also, the branding piece alone I felt was well worth the whole program cost. I have a beautiful brand that I am super proud of. I highly recommend this program!

 Sara S.
Real Estate Entrepreneur


I highly recommend the Business Accelerator program to anyone! With Monique’s guidance and support I was able to create and launch my entire business on the exact day I had wanted. Honestly, if you had seen me at the beginning of the program it would have been a very questionable proposition as I doubted my abilities, was very unclear, and had no clue as to what was involved in launching a business. Every part of the program complemented the other as the insight sessions allowed me to understand what was the true issue, then work on them in the integration session, and then implement strategies to create my brand. The accountability session was really helpful as there were plenty of action items that I needed to do & they helped to keep me on track.

 Narelle Painter
Sound & Energy Healer


Intuitive Activation Bundle including  E-Book, Guided Audio + Journal

Learn How To Instantly Connect To Your Intuition, Anywhere, Anytime, To Answer Any Question!

Get started in accessing your intuition and experience your own personal magic with this 12-page e-Book, Journal, and Guided Audio!

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Picture of Monique Evans, founder of Intuitive Freedom in turquoise dress

I'm J. Monique

Buckle up, sweet soul, because we're about to dive deep into a world where the illusion of limitation gets left in the dust, both in your personal life and the busy business hustle. Imagine a life bursting with freedom, all because you've mastered the art of tuning into your intuition and mastering how to use it in business to "get sh*t done", effortlessly! That's the kinda magic I stumbled upon back in 2004, nestled in a cushy corporate gig, playing boss-lady in management and executive roles for global lifestyle brands. The magic of my multi-dimensional self and intuitive abilities could no longer be denied or ignored. Fast forward to now, dedicating my life to helping people just like you launch, run, and manage businesses and support clients you love, with profits, purpose, and passion.

PS Read on to find out about the "J"...

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Picture of Monique Evans, founder of Intuitive Freedom


It's Time to Activate Your Innate

Multidimensional Healing Superpowers...

This training of Quantum Integration™ is designed to quickly transform your life and help you create the reality you dream of. By activating your quantum potential, you'll experience rapid mindset shifts, overcome mental and emotional blocks, and stay in flow with your personal and professional goals. You'll gain advanced techniques that are both quick and effective, boosting your well-being, enhancing your focus, and increasing your productivity. This leads to greater fulfillment and success in every area of your life.

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The Conscious Entrepreneur Branding Your Vision Course

Discover the Conscious Brand Activation Course, an immersive self-paced online program designed to empower aspiring entrepreneurs and reinvigorate established businesses by aligning their core purpose with lucrative clientele and fostering authentic success with financial growth. Unleash your business's true potential and attract your ideal clients while igniting a purpose-driven journey that harmonizes passion, profit, and purpose. The Ultimate Conscious Business Blueprint.

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Branding Your Vision online course images

Voyage LA Article - Meet Monique Evans of Intuitive Freedom

Apr 14, 2024


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